Friday, January 16, 2015

New Beginnings...Week 1 of Student Teaching

It's official!
            When I was told that you won’t have the same day twice as an ag teacher, I didn’t really believe the saying until this week. I began my student teaching experience on Monday January 12th at Elizabethtown with my cooperating teacher Mr. Mark Anderson. The school district had a two hour delay due to a nasty winter storm that had passed through Sunday evening. I arrived at school around 9am, observed an ag mechanics class, and headed to the Pennsylvania Farm Show around 11:45 that morning. I attended Mid-Winter Convention where 5 of my future students received their Keystone Degree and 6 other students received their FFA jackets. We left the Farm Show around 7pm that night and on the bus ride back, I reflected about the day. It was very different attending Mid-Winter Convention assuming the role of an advisor. It brought back bittersweet memories of me walking across that stage just four short years ago.

            On Tuesday, I again observed Mr. Anderson’s ag mechanics, intro to ag, and aquatic resources classes. I interacted with the students throughout the classes. In the ag mechanics class, I suggested an idea to a student who was brazing and shaping metal wire and was looking for a shape to create. I suggested a deer head and antlers naturally, and he loved the idea! I attended a meeting with Mr. Anderson and the assistant principal regarding SLO’s and a new form of evaluation that Elizabethtown teachers would undergo. I watched students catch, measure, and weigh tilapia in the aquatics class. I even rolled up my sleeves and got my hands wet as the let me measure a fish!
Measuring and weighing tilapia with students.

            Wednesday was a busy day as students were preparing for their final exams. Students in each class worked on final review packets as I again observed. In the intro to ag class, I walked around and answered several questions as Mr. Anderson prepared home-made ice cream for the students. (It was delicious by the way!) I also watched students in the aquatics class feed the tilapia, something they seem to enjoy doing. I attended a department meeting with Mr. Anderson after school which focused on improving and rewriting curriculum, including a focus on K-U-D’s. These Knowledge, Understand, and Do are goals that students are supposed to reach. It was interesting to see the changes the school district is implementing compared to other school districts across the state. I stayed after school and helped prepare for the tool and parts ID for the ag mechanics final exam as well.

            Thursday and Friday were half days for students as they had final exams. Teachers were required to stay the full school day. I assisted Mr. Anderson with grading as well as prepared for the upcoming week. There is no school on Monday which means that Tuesday is my first actual day of teaching. I will be starting with the aquatic resources class and after a few weeks, I will pick up the ag mechanics class, and eventually the intro to agribusiness class. I am still in awe that this moment has finally arrived. As Tuesday inches closer, I find myself getting somewhat nervous. At the same time, I find myself getting so much more excited! My dreams will actually come true in a few short days and I can begin to teach students and begin to impact their lives in a positive way. I have been prepared for this moment and know that I have a wonderful cooperating teaching to work with. I cannot wait to see what the semester holds and as I found out this week, no two days are the same when you’re teaching agriculture!


  1. Great summary of first week. I look forward reading more great blogs throughout the semester. Have fun teaching.

  2. Bryanna, you are correct no two days will be the same! The meetings, paperwork, and seemingly endless changes to our daily routine are a reality of today's educational system. But the true reward of teaching Agriculture is the interaction with students...focus on that and you will have a great experience and career! I am excited for you to begin teaching on Tuesday!

  3. Bry,

    K-U-D would align with Knowledge, Skills (do) and Dispositions of Learners (understand)

    Keep rockin
